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Freegold Ventures Ltd.




Shorty Creek

Deposit:Shorty Creek
Location:United States
Report Code:NI43-101
Report Type:Exploration/Drilling Update
Project Stage:Pursuing Resources Definition
Report details:31-3-2017: Freegold Ventures Ltd. announces an Exploration/Drilling Update report for its Shorty Creek deposit at the Shorty Creek project. Technical report summarising technical aspects of project. At the request of Freegold Ventures Limited, Free Gold R
CP/QP:[Overall Report]: John R. Woodman (Woodman Geologic Consultants)
ABSTRACT:At the request of Freegold Ventures Limited, Free Gold Recovery, USA, and Grizzly Bear Gold Inc. (Freegold), this technical report has been prepared for the Shorty Creek property located in the Livengood - Tolovana Mining District, Alaska. The purpose of this report is to provide Freegold with an independent opinion of the technical aspects of the Shorty Creek project and make recommendations for future work. The Shorty Creek property (Property) is located in the Livengood - Tolovana Mining District about 125 road-kilometres northwest of Fairbanks Alaska. The Property lies about 4 kilometres south of the now-abandoned gold-mining town site of Livengood and the all-weather paved Elliott Highway. Additional diamond drilling should be conducted at the Hill 1835 Cu-Au target area. Approximately 3,000 metres (10,000 ft.) of diamond drilling are recommended to further test the magnetic anomaly to the south and east of the previous holes. Initial diamond drilling should be conducted at the Steel Creek magnetic anomaly. Approximately 1,200 metres (3,936 ft.) of drilling are recommended. Initial diamond drilling should be conducted at the Quarry magnetic anomaly. Approximately 1,200 metres (4,920 ft.) of drilling are recommended.

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