BSc (Hons) MBa FAusIMM (CP)

Bruce is a consultant specialising in Social Performance in the resources sector; an Adjunct Professor at the Sustainable Minerals Institute, University of Queensland, and for six years was a Guest Lecturer at the University of Otago MBA Business School.

Bruce has 45 years of worldwide resource sector experience. For 20 years he worked as an exploration geologist, progressing to be Chief Geologist for a global minerals company. For the past 25 years Bruce has been at the forefront of developing Social Performance as a professional discipline in the resources sector, and for seven years was Global Practice Leader Social Performance at Rio Tinto. He is currently lead facilitator for the AusIMM Professional Certificate course “ESG and Social Responsibility in the Resources Sector” and is involved in the JORC Code review advising on ESG-related modifying factors.